Coming soon: a Godzilla tribute and the free tutorial 2. Let me explain each:
Name: a Godzilla tribute
Status: worked on 1 day expected to be on portal tommorow.
Desription: A niffy tribute to the big G, includes four sections: Words and slideshow (about 30 seconds long), an animation (about 10 seconds long), a quiz, and a mini soundboard. may change.
Name: the free tutorial 2
Status: has not started exepted to be on the portal by the end of the week.
Desription: the sequel to the only Liveswif tutorial on newgrounds. Now get ready to learn fading in and out, objects gradiently changing color, movement and more!
The free tutorial most likely is most likely not getting blammed, and Godzilla is proubuly 50/50. Ok! That's it! Oh, there's a snapshot from Godzilla: